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A Mother’s Experience….Helmet For Head Shape on an Infant By Alyssa Taylor, PT, DPT
I felt nervous, worried, apprehensive, but mostly curious. I was sitting in the orthotist’s office for her to complete a cranial scan on my son. He was 2 months-old and I was slightly overwhelmed. But I knew we were in good hands because Chris, one of the orthotists at Bioworks, is a professional with whom…
Read MoreHome Activities for Your 4-5 Year Old
The following are several different activities that you could do at home, both inside and outside, for your 4-5 year old kiddo. View this post on Instagram That’s why we integrate play into all of our therapies! #abcpediatrictherapy #play #playtherapy #qotd #quotes #pediatrictherapy #therapy A post shared by ABC Pediatric Therapy (@abcpedtherapy) on…
Read MoreHome Activities for Your 2-3 Year Old
The following are several different activities that you can do at home, both inside and outside, for your 2-3 year old kiddo. Inside Activities: « Practicing Stairs – walking upstairs reciprocally (one foot passing the other), progressing from use of one handrail to no handrail. To make it fun, make it into a game with…
Read MoreOccupational Therapy? I Can Do That!
THERAPY IS PLAY! Occupational therapy from a parent’s perspective: Why is the therapist playing with my child, and why am I paying for someone to play with my child when I could do this at home? Occupational therapy from an OT’s perspective: How can I make this fun and purposeful, while giving this child a…
Read MoreEncouraging Creativity In Your Child
Is your child becoming bored on snowy or rainy days? These are great days to spark creativity and imagination! By allowing your child the ability to be creative without specific instructions or a model promotes independence and problem-solving skills. One way to promote creativity is through “free art”, which allows the child to create anything…
Read MoreArticulation or Phonological Disorder, How to Tell the Difference!
If you and others are having a difficulty time understanding what your child is saying and they are demonstrating speech sound errors, your child likely has an articulation or phonological disorder. Don’t let the long names or the word “disorder” intimidate you! These are simply referring to the intelligibility (or clarity) of your child’s speech…
Read MoreFirst Time Orthotics
Orthotics are used for many different reasons, and can help kiddos achieve their goals. However, most parents do not know what to expect when getting orthotics for the first time. Here you will find some information that is good to know for first time orthotic users. Wear Schedule – when wearing orthotics for the first…
Read MoreTummy Time Tips and Tricks
Look what I can do! At 0-3 months old, I will be able to start holding my head up when placed on my tummy. At first, I will be looking straight down, but with practice, I will be able to lift it even higher. Make sure my arms are under me so I learn…
Read MoreTorticollis – What is it and how can I help my child?
What is torticollis? You may have noticed that your baby may prefer to look towards one side, they have difficulty turning their head towards one side, they may keep their head tipped towards a side or maybe they have a flat spot on the back or side of the head. If so, they may…
Read MoreWhy does my child need orthotics?
There are many reasons why a child may benefit from orthotic intervention at all different ages, with and without a medical diagnosis. The use of orthotics can vary from child to child, however, the main goal is to provide stability while promoting functional ability. Orthotics can range from shoe inserts to knee high braces and…
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