Month: July 2019

Summer Screen Time Check List and an I’m Bored List

Summertime comes with lots of excitement! Between no school, trips to the pool, outside play, playdates with friends, and late bedtimes, summer serves as a great time for kids to re-boot from the school year and enjoy their main occupation, to play!

Summer also comes with its own unique set of woes for parents…the dreaded phrase “I’m bored” or “can I just play on my tablet?” often happens far too early into summer vacation.  I encourage parents to have their kids follow a Summer Screen Time Checklist or and I’m Bored list with different activities for your child to accomplish and help fill their day with activities that will nourish their minds and bodies.

Here are some examples of activities you could include on your “Summer Screen Time Checklist”:

  • Brush your teeth
  • Get dressed
  • Brush your hair
  • Straighten up your room
  • Read for 20 minutes
  • Play outside for 1 hours
  • Complete daily math problem
  • Build or create something for 45 minutes
  • Finish your daily chores
  • Do something creative
  • Do something helpful



These activities will provide much needs structure and balance to your day during the summer months, before resorting to screen time. Include your child while making the list so they feel like they have some control into what their daily schedule will entail; kids are much more willing to abide by new rules and lists if they feel the are part of the process.


My other favorite summer list is the “I’m Bored list” to hand or direct your child to time these words enter their vocabulary.  Summer is a fantastic time to target not only fine motor and gross motor tasks, but also social skills and creativity, all in which can be accomplished through play! Below are tons of activities to have on your refrigerator for those “I’m bored” moments this summer:



  • Play board games
  • Draw a picture
  • Write with sidewalk chalk
  • Blow bubbles
  • Make up a game
  • Play dress up
  • Read to yourself or a younger sibling
  • Upcycle something into new item or game
  • Learn to cook something…with a grown up of course
  • Run through the sprinklers
  • Set up a water table
  • Water balloon fights
  • Slip and slide
  • Write a story
  • Organize your toys or books
  • Clean something for mom and dad
  • Catch bugs or frogs
  • Facetime with a family member
  • Jump rope
  • Ride a bike
  • Roller blade
  • Play 4-square
  • Create friendly competitions
  • Make a new friend
  • Paint rocks for garden décor
  • Make leaf rubs
  • Paper airplane contest
  • Build a fort
  • Make bracelets or necklace
  • Have a picnic
  • Look at old pictures
  • Start a lemonade stand
  • Make a time capsule
  • Play charades
  • Have a staring contest
  • Find toys to donate
  • Wash the car
  • Take pictures
  • Water plants
  • Pick flowers
  • Write a letter
  • Dig in the dirt
  • Take a bubble bath
  • Be helpful
  • Make a sock puppet
  • Have a fashion show
  • Conduct an experiment
  • Complete a maze or word search
  • Play Simon Says or Duck, Duck…GOOSE
  • Camp out in the backyard
  • Go on walk
  • Explore with a magnify glass
  • Homemade bowling game
  • Go on a scavenger hunt
  • Make crafts
  • Play tag or hide-and-go-seek
  • Perform a play
  • Make up a dance
  • Get creative with legos or Playdoh
  • Listen to music
  • Create obstacle courses
  • Play Hopscotch
  • Play flip bottle
  • Complete a puzzle
  • Play dress up
  • Walk the dog

ABC Pediatric Therapy Network LOVES to  educate parents on normal development so you can build into your family.  Visit us at to learn more.

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Home Activities for Your 4-5 Year Old

The following are several different activities that you could do at home, both inside and outside, for your 4-5 year old kiddo.

Inside Activities:

« Walking backwards – practice walking backwards between rooms, or make it into a game such as doing a puzzle or between turns of a board game. This helps improve balance and coordination.

« Jumping jacks – jumping jacks involve strength and coordination, which means this can be a hard task to learn. Sometimes having the kiddo do them in front of a mirror, or doing them with you while facing you helps. You can also break down the activity by doing arms only, then legs only, then putting them together at a slower pace.

« Sit ups – start by having them lay on the floor with knees bent, start with arms in front of them, reaching up towards their knees or giving you high-fives. As this gets easier, have them cross their arms over their chest. Make sure that they are keeping their body straight rather than rotating.

« Push-ups – you can start with push-ups with the kiddo on their knees rather than their feet, until it gets easier. This can be done during TV commercials, between turns on a game, etc.

« Skipping and Galloping – this can be done inside if there is enough room, or outside. You can have the kiddo practice this while going from room to room, or playing a game. If skipping is too hard, break down the task by having them practice slowly with a “step-hop, step-hop”.

Outside Activities:

« Bike riding – at the age of 4, a kiddo should start to be able to ride a 2-wheeled bike with training wheels. Practicing this task allows the kiddo to build strength, endurance, coordination, and balance. Start in a straight line until they get the hang of it, then add in turns. Around age 5, the kiddo should transition to riding a bike without training wheels.

« Riding a scooter – if available, have the kiddo practice a 3-wheeled scooter whether it be in the driveway, neighborhood, or park. Once they get confident with being able to ride a scooter without falling off, work on coasting or gliding by having them do a big push and then try to keep their foot off of the ground for as long as they can. Eventually, they should be able to progress to a 2-wheeled scooter.

«  Ball skills – practicing catching, throwing, and kicking helps build strength, coordination, and balance. At this age, work on throwing overhand and underhand while hitting a target from 12 feet away, catching a small ball with hands only from at least 5 feet away, bouncing and catching a ball, kicking a ball 12 feet in the air (ex: kickball), and drop kicking a ball with direction (towards a target).

« Swing – at the age of 4 ½ years old, kiddos should be able to swing by pumping their own legs. To help kiddos learn to pump their legs, stand in front of them with your hands held out as a target, telling your kiddo to “kick my hands with both feet at the same time”. Follow that by asking them to bend their legs backward. This will help improve their coordination.

« Jump rope – jumping rope is a great activity that can be fun while challenging their strength, timing, and coordination. A child first learns to jump rump over a rope that is turned by someone else. If you do not have a second person to turn the rope, try tying the other end on a nearby surface; make sure it is not too low or too high. As this gets easier, try transitioning to self-turned jumping rope, which requires more attention, timing, and coordination. A child should be able to do this around age 5.

If you are unsure of what your child should do and when, complete a free screening of your child at

Visit our website for more information on child development.

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Developmental Checklist

Is your child meeting their developmental milestones?