Search results for: speech
Speech by Age
Speech-Language Therapy Overview What to look for in your child by age Categories: receptive language, expressive language, speech production, play/social skills 6 months Receptive: responds to “come here / want up / no”; recognizes families names Expressive: initiating “talking” with others and attempts to interact Social: responsive to family members and familiar people;…
Read MoreWhat is Speech Therapy?
What do you think of when you hear about a speech-language pathologist? “Oh, they help with saying the ‘r’ and ‘s’.” A speech-language pathologist is much more than a therapist that only helps a child say the “r” sound. Speech pathologists provide a wealth of information regarding a multitude of critical developmental aspects across the…
Read MoreSpeech and language and BOOKS!
Parents often ask what they can do to encourage the development of their child’s language skills or which apps will best help their children improve. Of the many incredible apps that are at our disposal, the best tool you have access to is a book. You may have some books at home, or you have…
Read MoreFive Minute Speech
It has been shown that more learning occurs from short, frequent bursts of practice rather than long, irregular sessions. The key to the generalization of learned skills is routine practice. Following a home exercise program is essential. Below you will find several “five-minute speech” activities that you can complete at home. They are fun and…
Read MoreTips and Tricks: Using Speech Generating Devices at Home
Getting your child a speech generating device (SGD) is an exciting step towards improving their communication and independence. It’s an exciting time, but it is not a quick fix and doesn’t mean that your child can immediately begin to communicate with you. A baby is consistently hearing verbal communication every day for a…
Read MoreHow to Encourage Your Child to Practice Their Speech and Language Skills at Home
View this post on Instagram #MilestoneMonday “My son’s speech has improved to where he can now speak in small sentences. His balance is way better and he is learning to ride bikes and scooters! ABC is family oriented and flexible with our schedule.” – LaQuana Lewis, parent #MilestoneMonday #Progress #keeppushingforward #pediatrictherapy A post shared by…
Read MoreSpeech and Language Development for Your Child with Autism
Speech therapy addresses language and communication skills. Social Communication Ability to initiate or participate in play with another person Awareness of others’ emotional states, perspective and intentions Ability to seek attention from others Respecting personal space between people Playing with toys appropriately Pretend play concepts Turn-taking play Conversational skills Initiating conversation with others Participating in…
Read MoreThe Speech and Language Path
The Speech and Language Path Your child’s speech therapist will design a home exercise program that is specific to your child’s needs. Each phase is a BIG STEP to being able to EXPRESS WANTS AND NEEDS! Phase One: Waves bye bye Takes turns vocalizing Points/gestures Babbles and strings sounds together (i.e. mamamamama) Eats pureed food…
Read MorePediatric Speech Therapy in Dayton & Cincinnati, OH
Pediatric Speech Therapy in Dayton & Cincinnati, OH One of the greatest joys as a parent is seeing your child grow and develop. Each child develops at a different rate. However, mental and physical disorders and other causes can make learning and communication a struggle for many children. Find help with our pediatric speech therapy…
Read MoreTop Ten Fun Activities to Practice Speech Sounds at Home
Speech Sound Grab Bag: Fill a medium sized gift bag or tote bag with small objects/pictures that begin (or end) with the targeted sound. Have your child take out each object and practice saying that word and talk about what he/she found. Your child will love digging into the bag and feeling the objects inside…
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